Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Good Newes and Bad Newes choose

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[UK] Rowlands Good Newes and Bad Newes 43: A Fellow that had beene excessiue trading, In taking liquor beyond his lading, Of Claret and the Spanish Malligo, That’s legs vnable were vpright to goe; But sometime wall, and sometimes kennell taking, And as the phrase is vs’d, Indentures making.
at make indentures with one’s legs (v.) under leg, n.
[UK] Rowlands Good Newes and Bad Newes 13: What Roger, well met rogue, old fellow beggar.
at roger, n.1
[UK] Rowlands Good Newes and Bad Newes 12: Now land is sold and money gone in goods, / He cals out, Andrew, I am in the suddes.
at in the suds under suds, n.1
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