Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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A Shoo-maker, a Gentleman choose

Quotation Text

[UK] Rowley Shoo-maker, a Gentleman Act IV: I smell an Asse-head of your own.
at asshead, n.
[UK] Rowley Shoo-Maker, A Gentleman Act IV: I’faith, is your Aul so free for smockeleather?
at awl, n.
[UK] Rowley Shoo-maker, a Gentleman Act IV: Oh my good dame, I to your eares must now unlocke A secret, which if ere you blab abroad...
at blab, v.
[UK] Rowley Shoo-maker, a Gentleman Act V: All our working Tooles are cald Saint Hugh’s bones.
at St Hugh’s bones, n.
[UK] Rowley Shoo-maker, a Gentleman Act IV: You agen, keepe your Clacke, Ile slit your tongue else.
at clack, n.
[UK] Rowley Shoo-maker, a Gentleman Act IV: Thou art a Coxcombe and a Claperdudgion.
at clapperdudgeon, n.
[UK] Rowley Shoo-maker, a Gentleman Act IV: One of your men has beene at greene-goose faire; but he shall pay for the sauce Ile warrant him.
at green goose (n.) under green, adj.1
[UK] Rowley Shoo-maker, a Gentleman Act IV: Thou naughty packe thou hast undone thy selfe for ever.
at naughty pack (n.) under naughty, adj.
[UK] Rowley Shoo-maker, a Gentleman Act V: shoo: Though I neither shuffle not cut, Ile hold Cards too. wife: And Ile not sit out, though I turne up Noddy.
at noddy, n.
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