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Aurora choose

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[US] Aurora (Phila.) 14 Aug. n.p.: It seems as if the Irish are as incorrigible as the darnation Bostonians [OED].
at darnation, adj.
[US] Aurora (Phila.) 27 Aug. n.p.: Whether any of them may be induced [...] to enter into the pay of King John I. [i.e. President Adams] is ‘a horse of another colour’.
at horse of another colour (n.) under horse, n.
[US] Aurora (Phila.) 13 Dec.: Upstairs, I scrouged to the front.
at scrouge, v.
[US] Aurora (Phila.) 23 Aug. n.p.: If we were as fond of fighting France as ever buffing Jackson, or big Ben, or the tinker of Cornwall were of entering the lists.
at buff, v.1
[US] Aurora (Phila.) 13 Feb. n.p.: Dennis complained, and Grove kicked, but ’twas all to no purpose.
at kick, v.1
[US] Aurora (Phila.) 8 Aug. n.p.: Yes Sir! and [France] has been successful beyond any former experience [DA].
at yes sir!, excl.
[US] Aurora (Phila.) 21 June n.p.: Paragraphs an hundred times more obnoxious than those for which Abijah Adams was dressed in a stone jacket.
at stone jacket (n.) under stone, adj.
[US] Aurora (Phila.) 3 July n.p.: [ref. to rumour of Jefferson’s death] A Federal bore [DAE].
at bore, n.1
[US] Aurora (Phila.) 24 Mar. 180: Otis shut up his clam-trap – like Otis – sly dog.
at clamtrap (n.) under clam, n.1
[US] Aurora (Phila.) 8 Apr. n.p.: Having fix’d Randolphi,—wish the other house would fix Mason [DA].
at fix, v.1
[US] Aurora (Phila.) 18 Dec. n.p.: The Philadelphia Gazette is huffed at our stating a fate.
at huff, v.
[US] Aurora (Phila.) 17 Dec. n.p.: As the Baltimore paper says, ‘The jigg’s up, Paddy.’.
at jig, n.2
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