1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 24: Flour, ‘post and rail’ tea [...] salt and meat, were the only rations provided.at post-and-rail (tea), n.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 56: He fought ‘Tiger’ Martin, a professional pugilist and the ‘camp deadener,’ over some affair.at deadener, n.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 13: It was the only university I know—that Bush College of Hard Knocks.at school of hard knocks, n.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 28: Donkeys, also in common vogue for pack purposes and cart work on some of the runs, were not ‘in it’ with mules.at not in it, phr.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 12: My graduation in jackerooing, or, as I usually call this period of my life, my ‘pack-mule and damper days’ had begun.at jackaroo, v.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 55: Just a hard, bare-knuckle ‘milling’ for the entertainment of the crowd.at milling, n.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 67: At the border we had been joined by ‘Moleskin’ Harry.at moleskin squatter, n.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 26: Mulga Jack and I carried a revolver each [...] not that we had any trouble with the myall blacks.at myall, n.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 78: ‘I suppose yer could stop one?’ I could. I needed that rum.at stop one (v.) under one, n.1
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 71: It contained the offer of a job, that of ‘pannikin-boss’* and book-keeper on a sheep run. [*sub-overseer].at pannikin boss (n.) under pannikin, n.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 55: Knuckle-dusting, sandbagging—and being sandbagged—were the recreations and excitements of [...] the inhabitants.at sandbag, v.1
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 27: Next to my dogs and two or three horses of my cattle-camp and sheep-dodging days, these two little jenny pack-mules lie nearest to my heart.at sheep-dodging (n.) under sheep, n.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 14: I had to take my turn at [...] as ‘slushy’ to ‘Doughboy’ Terry, the cook.at slushy, n.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 58: ‘Swagging it’ to a sheep station on the Queensland border, he secured a job.at swag it (v.) under swag, v.
1936 A. Russell Gone Nomad 74: He won a prize, worth £4000 [...] He was settled for life he said. No more ‘bush yacker’ for him.at yakka, n.