at anoint (with birchen salve), v.
at kiss someone’s arse, v.
at hang an arse under arse, n.
at avast!, excl.
at bantling, n.
at best in Christendom, n.
at bilbo, n.
at booby, n.1
at bring one’s hogs to a fair market (v.) under bring, v.
at bumbo, n.1
at do someone’s business (v.) under business, n.
at carbonado, v.
at carrotty, adj.
at catchpole, n.
at cent per cent, n.
at chew the cud, v.
at chucklehead, n.
at clack, n.
at cockatrice, n.
at outrun the constable, v.
at cully, n.1
at damn, v.
at dangle, v.
at who the devil...?, phr.
at dine with Duke Humphrey (v.) under dine, v.
at dozed, adj.
at gold-dropper, n.
at egad!, excl.
at fireship, n.
at flip, n.1
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