1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 85: They had me where the hair was short and were enjoying it.at have someone/something by the short and curlies (v.) under short and curlies, n.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 41: He and Penny Stipetto were thick as blood brothers.at thick as..., adj.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 9: Two days before I had belted his ass from one end of 45th and Second all the way to the next corner.at kick someone’s ass under ass, n.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 8: The tourists kept to the Gay White Way [...] clubbing, bar-hopping or taking in a show.at bar-hop, v.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 9: He [...] went looking for me with a skinful of big H to keep his courage up.at big H, n.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 33: I want to see a big war hero who digs the hood bit turn patriotic.at bit, n.1
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 41: They knew I had a blaster in my belt and would chop them down the second they moved.at blaster, n.1
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 53: I don’t have to go along with the sheep who cry and bleat about the way things are.at bleat, v.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 29: She had passed me something that could make or break our national security and I had boffed it.at boff, v.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 83: I heard noises like that from the boys. Moe tried to tell me and so did Carl Hoover.at boys, the, n.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 24: They gave me one break. They won’t give me two.at give someone/something a break (v.) under break, n.1
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 8: Newbolder’s quick case of the place didn’t make them.at case, n.5
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 48: Big Step cut off his supply and if he doesn’t fold he’ll knock off somebody to get a charge.at charge, n.2
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 60: He’s nuts! Ernie’ll chew him up. He can’t pull a stunt like that.at chew up, v.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 53: I can chisel the chiselers and don’t have to pay any respect to the phony politicos.at chiseler, n.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 10: In a chow joint you’re expected to obey the rules of the game.at chow joint (n.) under chow, n.1
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 56: Shaffer had clued his office staff [...] and two of them watched me go over the mug books.at clue, v.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 55: Knock it off, Shaffer. Are you coming through?at come through, v.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 12: ‘Come off it, baby,’ I told her softly.at come off it! (excl.) under come off, v.1
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 17: Carl and Moe figured they was part of this guy’s bunch and cut loose at ’em.at cut loose, v.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 19: You got going against you only one scrawny doped up punk.at doped, adj.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 67: I wished I had had time to shake down the place completely.at shake down, v.
1963 M. Spillane Return of the Hood 45: You got this town on it’s ear already and I don’t want to be there when the shooting starts.at on one’s ear under ear, n.1