1971 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 28 Mar. 30/4: [advert] Suitable applicants will be self-starters in the 24–35 year age group.at self-starter, n.1
1975 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 2 Mar. 3: The Nationalist newspaper reported that ‘Oom Willie’ is used to tussles. He was not called ‘the breker of the north’ for nothing. [Ibid.] 7 Sept. 17: ‘Breeker’ tactics a short cut to title! [...] A breeker is South African slang for a tough guy [...] a champion street-fighter. An expression for an ou who can put the head and boot in better than the next ou [DSAE].at breker, n.
1975 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 15 June 3: ‘I hailed the first cab I saw and asked him to head for the “Brow” (Hillbrow),’ he said [DSAE].at Brow, n.
1977 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 1 May 7: All are proficient At making dagga pipes from bottlenecks, match boxes, toilet rolls and so on [DSAE].at bottleneck (n.) under bottle, n.1
1977 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 8 July (Extra) 2: Take one naive South African (‘propvol propaganda’), add a first overseas trip, and stir in a Communist country [DSAE].at propvol, adj.
1977 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 18 Sept. n.p.: Mr Kruger [said] ‘the death of this particular skepsel [...] left him cold.’ For Steve Biko was just another skepsel like you or me.at skepsel, n.
1977 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 1 May 7: They are regular dagga smokers and know a number of places to buy ‘stop’ [DSAE].at stop, n.3
1978 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 9 Apr. 1: Seen any terrs lately? Not the abandoned-parcel-time-bomb types, but the Lowyveld [...] inhabitants who desecrate the Kruger Park.at terr, n.
1979 Sun. Times (S.Afr.) 8 Apr. 16: An Artes Awards should be made to the SABC for committing [...] ‘the biggest protocol “blaps” of the year’ [DSAE].at blaps, n.
1980 Sun. Times (S.Afr.) 12 Oct. 20: The squabble over who should succeed [...] as administrator of the blikoor province [DSAE].at Blikoor, n.
1981 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 13 Sept. 23: If they install parking meters, everybody is going to be the hell in.at hell-in, the, adj.
1981 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 16 Aug. 13: I immediately contacted the city police who agreed to deliver the ‘outies’ they picked up here ... The success rate for bringing tramps back to the straight and narrow was not great... ‘But if I can rehabilitate just one out of 50 “outies” I will be happy,’ he said [DSAE].at outie, n.1
1981 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 10 May (Mag. Sect.) 7: Nobody who has never sat in a darkened Soppies (or cinema tea-room, as the larney-er ones liked to be called) will ever understand their appeal. I don’t know about Cape Town’s Soppies, but the ones in Durbs have all been replaced with discount stores now, and the ones in Joeys will soon be naught but a happy memory [DSAE].at soppies, n.
1982 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 18 Apr. n.p.: There are ways of having a holiday on the cheap [...] but only if Mum is agreeable to doing all the work [...] on a camping holiday at Blikkiesbaai [DSAE].at Blikkiesdorp, n.
1982 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 18 July 11: Last month, the customs official found a ‘cob’ of Malawi dagga in her luggage [DSAE].at cob, n.2
1982 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 21 Mar. 44: He was not happy when the British arrived. ‘Can a person be happy in such a time? Gats! We were in jail!’ [DSAE].at gats!, excl.
1982 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 28 Mar. 44: Diplomatically. I say: ‘Gerrie will win.’ ‘No’ he answers, ‘he’s a “papbroek”’ [DSAE].at papbroek, n.
1983 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 8 May n.p.: You use it when you have chorbs [...] It’s a pimple cream.at chorb, n.
1985 in Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 1 Sept. 4: Until now, we have been in the habit of smousing, drinking, pick-pocketing, preaching, and generally enjoying ourselves on trains [DSAE].at smous, v.
1986 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 16 Mar. (Business Times) 2: Last week we highlighted the awkward situation in which Barclays stands — like a ‘soutie’, with one foot in South Africa and the other in the UK [DSAE].at soutie, n.
1989 Sun. Times (S.Afr.) 11 June 4: Most [...] walked off the set, shaking their heads in disbelief at the blapses they’d made [DSAE].at blaps, n.
1990 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 13 May 13: Her 16-year-old brother [...] was threatened with a gun and told: ‘Don’t be smart and get white with us’ when he protested about the search [DSAE].at white, adj.
1992 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) Mag. 19 Apr. 28: Afterwards we’ll zap round to your pad on my boney. Park off till we get there. Then we can catch a couple of dops and hit the jol. You smaak? [DSAE].at smaak, v.
1993 Sun. Times (S. Afr.) 4 Apr. 17: The notice board [...] advertises a forth-coming event, a moersa party [DSAE].at moersa, n.
1994 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 1 May 15: A clipper is R100 of R10 notes because you needed a paper clip to keep it together [DSAE].at clipper, n.4
1994 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 27 Nov. 5 The AWB would do the job if the ‘papbroek’ government [...] did not act within 30 days [DSAE].at papbroek, n.
1994 Sun. Times (Johannesburg) 18 Sept. 9: A Chinese woman [...] runs a spaza shop from her garage [DSAE].at spaza, n.
1994 Sun. Times (S. Afr.) 23 Jan. 28: [advert.] The deep fried twisted doughnut is a wragtig mooi ding.at wragtig, adj.
1997 Sun. Times (S.Afr.) 12 July 🌐 [headline] Vehicle sales in the pits as disposable income drops.at pit, n.
2002 Sun. Times (S.Afr.) 12 May 🌐 A few dolled-up guests showed they could put on a designer show to rival Joeys and Cape Town.at Joeys, n.