1934 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 5 Mar. 11/3: ‘Boots and all’ means on your toes, and applies to the whole team.at boots (and all) (adv.) under boot, n.2
1934 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 18 Apr. 9/5: The defendant, when interviewed in connection with the charge, said: ‘Break it down. I know nothing about that. I have turned that game up long ago, you should know that’.at break it down, v.1
1934 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 16 Mar. 18: It is regrettable that one who seems to have a lot of influence in police affairs should express such childish and absurd views with regard to police pimping.at police pimping (n.) under police, n.
1934 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 23 Feb. 11/3: Carter then said to the prisoner, ‘You have worked a ... ‘swiftie’ on me over this, and I am going to report it to the C1. Branch’.at swiftie, n.
1934 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 22 Dec. n.p.: In drab Trans-Jordania he had to get risd of his felt hat [...] to dismiss the hostility bred of the fear that he was a Yehudi come to buy land.at Yehudi, n.
1935 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 26 Nov. 15/4: . A number of carpenters were available, but there was a shortage when really skilled men were required. A ‘carpenter’ had been defined as ‘a man who used a hammer and a saw’ — that was, in effect, a ‘bush carpenter,’ [...] However, such men were of little practical use to the home builder.at bush carpenter (n.) under bush, adj.1
1935 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 28 Oct. 11/1: The coin is what is known as a ‘Tommy Dodd,’ and is of no special value. These were issued many years ago by trading firms for their own convenience.at tommy dodd, n.3
1936 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 15 May 24/5: ‘Then I gave him a torrent of Hindustani abuse [...] I’m not fluent by any means, but, damn it all, any sea man down at the docks knows when you are calling him a soor ka butcha or a banshut’.at banchoot, n.
1936 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 10 Jan. 12/5: Some bakers, however, make white bread into ‘wholemeal’ by the simple expedient of colouring the white bread with ‘blackjack’ or crude molasses.at blackjack, n.1
1936 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 23 Sept. 14/8: The 'bull system' so much decried by employers in the past.at bull, n.1
1936 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 22 Aug. 22/3: He wore a brown suit and a black hard hitter.at hard-hitter, n.
1937 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 22 July 21/5: ‘Why don’t they shut off the confounded thing?’ ‘Too stonkered with surprise, I’ll bet’.at stonkered, adj.
1940 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 11 Oct. n.p.: [headline] ‘Agony Column’ Barred to Air Force Men.at agony column (n.) under agony, n.
1941 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 8 Aug. 3/2: Come on now, boysie, you go first base, and I’ll throw.at boysie, n.
1941 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 16 Jan. 3/4: Escape From Lockup. Leslie Gordon Denning, 42, escaped from the Gladstone lock-up [...] yesterday.at lockup, n.
1941 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 14 Feb. 4/5: That’s the duty tent [...] we snore off there when we’re on duty and waiting for an alarm.at snore off, v.
1941 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 28 May 8/6: He is a ‘stand-over man,’ and an associate of criminals.at standover, n.2
1943 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 15 Oct. 1/3: [headline] [General] MacArthur Gives the Old ‘One-Two’.at one-two, n.
1944 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 27 Oct. 2/3: To label a man a ‘cold-footer’ for doing what he was instructed to do was unjust.at cold footer (n.) under cold, adj.
1944 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 5 Dec. 4/3: Australia is spoken of as God’s Own Country but that cannot be truly said.at Godsown, n.
1946 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 9 Dec. : More than a million of New Guinea’s ‘Fuzzy-Wuzzy Angels’ [...] are being given a chance to spread their wings.at fuzzy-wuzzy, n.1
1946 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 26 Sept. 3/5: It was alleged that Daniel ‘stood over’ Hodge and ‘bashed’ him until he signed.at stand over, v.
1946 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 18 Sept. 25/2: ‘Stonkered’ [...] I am 19, in love with a man of 30 [...] Do you think I should leave home to marry him, or break my heart by parting?at stonker, v.
1947 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 21 Mar. 5/3: More ‘tin’ for Pannikin Boss.at pannikin boss (n.) under pannikin, n.
1948 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 23 June 3/1: Judge Read and the Crown Prosecutor (Mr. L. Little), in General Sessions to-day, rolled a ‘barber s pole’ about the floor to prove it had cheated racegoers at Hanging Rock on January 1.at barber’s pole (n.) under barber, n.1
1948 Courier-Mail (Brisbane) 13 Oct, 1/6: 'Nitro-glycerine is only one of a long list of chemicals, stimulants, and poisons, rated by the analyst as ingredients used to ‘bomb' or dope race horses.at bomb, v.1
1950 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 17 Apr. 2/4: When you say a thing is ‘boshter’ you are speaking a dead language: the proper word [...] is bosker.at boshter, adj.
1950 Courier Mail (Brisbane) 17 Apr. 2/3: Do you and your cobbers in old Brizzy sling words like that about when you are poking borak at each other.at Bris, n.