1933 J. Truran Where the Plain Begins 270: I ’aven’t known yer twenty year for nothing, Martha. Y’always were a pointer, me dear, but you’re not goin’ to point on me. If you’re crook, then so is our old ’orse, an’ ’e don’t miss ’is tucker any more’n you do.at point, v.
1933 J. Truran Where Plain Begins 13: Serves yer right for stickybeakin’ where you ’ad no business.at stickybeak, v.
1933 J. Truran Where Plain Begins 224: Reuben and his brother were ‘going round the traps.’ They carried no lantern; as the traps belonged to somebody else, that would have been an unwise procedure [AND].at go round the traps (v.) under trap, n.1