Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Where the Plain Begins choose

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[Aus] J. Truran Where the Plain Begins 270: I ’aven’t known yer twenty year for nothing, Martha. Y’always were a pointer, me dear, but you’re not goin’ to point on me. If you’re crook, then so is our old ’orse, an’ ’e don’t miss ’is tucker any more’n you do.
at point, v.
[Aus] J. Truran Where Plain Begins 13: Serves yer right for stickybeakin’ where you ’ad no business.
at stickybeak, v.
[Aus] J. Truran Where Plain Begins 224: Reuben and his brother were ‘going round the traps.’ They carried no lantern; as the traps belonged to somebody else, that would have been an unwise procedure [AND].
at go round the traps (v.) under trap, n.1
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