Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Princess of Cleve choose

Quotation Text

[UK] N. Lee Princess of Cleve V i: Kissing and Smacking, Puffing and Blowing so hard, you wou’d have sworn they had been at Hot cockles’.
at play at hot cockles (v.) under cockles, n.
[UK] N. Lee Princess of Cleve II iii: After all, they’ll thus run you down, and say your Grace is no Scholar.
at run down, v.
[UK] N. Lee Princess of Cleve IV ii: Your Horns are a growing, your Bed is a going, your Heifer’s a Plowing [...] Let her Plo-Plo-Plow on, if the Se-Se-Seed be well Sown, we shall have a good Cro-Crop.
at plough, v.
[UK] N. Lee Princess of Cleve V i: Zeal in her shogging and Butting.
at shagging, n.
[UK] N. Lee Princess of Cleve II ii: He will over any thing he can lay his hand on, and Vaults to Admiration.
at vault, v.
[UK] N. Lee Princess of Cleve Prologue: The little Mob, the City Waistcoateer, Will pinch the Back to make the Buttock bare.
at waistcoateer, n.
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