1680–1 N. Lee Princess of Cleve V i: Kissing and Smacking, Puffing and Blowing so hard, you wou’d have sworn they had been at Hot cockles’.at play at hot cockles (v.) under cockles, n.
1680–1 N. Lee Princess of Cleve II iii: After all, they’ll thus run you down, and say your Grace is no Scholar.at run down, v.
1680–1 N. Lee Princess of Cleve IV ii: Your Horns are a growing, your Bed is a going, your Heifer’s a Plowing [...] Let her Plo-Plo-Plow on, if the Se-Se-Seed be well Sown, we shall have a good Cro-Crop.at plough, v.
1680–1 N. Lee Princess of Cleve II ii: He will over any thing he can lay his hand on, and Vaults to Admiration.at vault, v.
1680–1 N. Lee Princess of Cleve Prologue: The little Mob, the City Waistcoateer, Will pinch the Back to make the Buttock bare.at waistcoateer, n.