Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Truth choose

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[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 24 Oct. 4/4: I […] cannot fail to observe the evil intention lurking beneath that stamps the writer as the twicer he is [AND].
at twicer, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 16 Nov. 415: It is wonderful to witness the number of sky pilots, devil-dodgers and brumby parsons who visit the house [AND].
at brumbie, adj.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 16 Nov. 1/4: Dear Mr Truth—I have just returned from ‘the Spewah country’, where we have to crawl on our hands and knees to get under the clouds .
at spewah, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 3 May 7/4: Poor Joe the doughbanger has still the tea and a heavy day before him [AND].
at doughbanger (n.) under dough, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 29 Mar. 7/5: I must explain that getting in on the nod is the same as on the ‘never never’, ‘Freeman’s key’, ‘the ready.’.
at freeman’s key, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 5 Apr. 7/3: The riding men [...] frequently come home rolling from side to side and with a poddy in their kick [AND].
at poddy, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 17 Apr. 1/4: And I know in Asia Minor, where old Adam used to farm, No cockatooing party ever worked the squatter harm [AND].
at cockatoo, v.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 14 Jan. 6/6: Simple as falling off a log when you know how.
at easy as falling off a log, adj.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 15 Apr. 4/8: Would a duck swim? Would the wild ass [...] go for a feed of thistles?
at does a bear shit in the woods? Is the pope (a) Catholic?, phr.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 18 Mar. 1/8: I wouldn’t give a tinker’s cuss for all the wine that was ever bottled.
at not care a tinker’s (curse), v.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 17 June 3/2: They are piling up the agony for all it is worth, but the ‘crusaders’ won’t roll up.
at agony, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 8 July 4/7: They are great at running in / Any Bushy on the rantan / And they swoop upon Ah Sin / Playing childish games of fantan.
at ah sin, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 2 Sept. 4/6: Life is not all beer and skittles in Paradise.
at all beer and skittles, phr.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 4 Mar. 1/3: Again, his rumoured blindness is a lie — / In fact, the cablegrams are ‘all my eye’.
at all my eye, phr.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 17 June 1/6: All serene, Layemstiff; she’ll score a brilliant defeat tomorrow.
at all serene, adj.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 15 Apr. 4/8: Put it there, Mr Rayle Straddler! Consider the campaign all over bar the ‘shouting’.
at all over bar the shouting, phr.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 7 Oct. 3/8: And when I’d ‘made my marble good,’ / I’d gaily guy-a-whack.
at make one’s alley good (v.) under alley, n.3
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 29 July 3/1: The British Government seems inclined to ‘string on’ the Australias and other dependencies to endorse the utterly irresponsible acts [etc.].
at string on (v.) under string (along), v.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 14 Jan. 1/1: Collingwood — the Alsatia of Melbourne.
at Alsatia, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 20 May. 1/6: There are ‘Tarpots,’ ‘Charcoals,’ and ‘Day and Martins’ all over the continent.
at day and martin, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 7 Jan. 3/4: The ‘Australian Star’ made a vicious attack ion Governor Duff [...] because he didn’t turn up at the Caledonian Sports. Ye gods!
at ye gods (and little fishes)!, excl.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 14 Jan. 1/6: Mrs Knorr, the condemned ‘angel-maker,’ was a member of a Chelsea church choir.
at angel-maker (n.) under angel, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 28 Jan. 1/1: The animal who received £50 last week for informing on his fellow-countryman should [...] ‘retire from society’.
at animal, n.1
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 30 Dec. 6/1: [of a racehorse] The punters skipped gaily [...] but the books stayed behind to have a good think — or curse. Lunch! They weren’t ‘having any’.
at not having any, phr.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 23 Dec. 5/8: He made a grab at the street arab and succeeded in pulling him almost rom under the horses’ feet.
at arab, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 26 Aug. 1/4: She was maddern’ a wet hen an’ warnted His Hegggsellency to heggsersise his Himperial powers.
at ...a wet hen under mad as..., adj.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 23 Dec. 3/3: ‘I shall speak in the language of the Bible [...] I like not his hocks nor his ass, nor anything that he is.’ (Prolonged laughter).
at ass, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 9 Sept. 6/4: I watched all the pariculars in your paper about Cloister. I believe he was ‘got at’.
at get at, v.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 14 Oct. 1/7: In Plymouth (England) a private soldier is not allowed to walk in the streets with a lady on his arm. Fact! Happy Tommy Atkins, how his country loves him.
at Tommy Atkins, n.
[Aus] Truth (Sydney) 14 Jan. 6/6: I told them how it was, they had been suspected of being put-aways, and had been followed and the ‘office’ given.
at put-away, n.
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