1873 ‘Mark Twain’ & C. Warner Gilded Age 399: The most airy scheme inflated in the hot air of the capital only reached in magnitude some of his lesser fancies, the by-play of his constructive imagination.at hot air, n.
1873 ‘Mark Twain’ & C. Warner Gilded Age 246: I had forgotten the railroad, dear, but when a body gets blue, a body forgets everything. [Ibid.] 249: I’m sorry I was blue, but it did seem as if everything had been going against us for whole ages.at blue, adj.1
1873 ‘Mark Twain’ & C. Warner Gilded Age 244: There’s 200,000 coming, and that will set things booming again.at boom, v.
1873 ‘Mark Twain’ & C. Warner Gilded Age 275: Senators and Representatives [...] always traveled ‘dead-head’ both ways.at deadhead, adv.
1873 ‘Mark Twain’ & C. Warner Gilded Age 21: He’s come back to the Forks with jist a hell’s-mint o’ whoop-jamboree notions.at hell’s mint (n.) under hell, n.
1873 ‘Mark Twain’ & C. Warner Gilded Age 405: You will find we can swing a two-thirds vote.at swing, v.
1874 ‘Mark Twain’ & C. Warner Gilded Age 154: The cross-lots path she traversed to the Seminary.at across lots, phr.