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The False Friend choose

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[UK] Vanbrugh False Friend Act I: I did not care sixpence for the Slut before, but now I’ll have her Maidenhead in a Week.
at not care twopence, v.
[UK] Vanbrugh False Friend Act III: Not that the Blockheads Charms have mov’d me, but [...] my Reputation’s at stake upon’t, and I must Rouze the Drone some how.
at drone, n.
[UK] Vanbrugh False Friend Act III: Why how now Jack Sauce? why how now Presumption?
at jack sauce (n.) under jack, n.1
[UK] Vanbrugh False Friend Act I: Mum; here’s her Father.
at mum!, excl.
[UK] Vanbrugh False Friend Act I: The fat over-grown Sow, has an Air of Importance.
at sow, n.1
[UK] Vanbrugh False Friend Act I: I believe I shall have a Stroke at his Mother, before I think my self even with him.
at have a stroke (at) (v.) under stroke, n.1
[UK] Vanbrugh False Friend Act I: The little short Trundle-tail, shoots a je ne scay quoy.
at trundle-tail, n.
[UK] Vanbrugh False Friend Act II: Come Daughter, come my Son, let’s to the Church and tie this happy Knot.
at tie the knot (v.) under tie, v.
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