Green’s Dictionary of Slang
I. van Kessel Beyond our Wildest Dreams 127: The practice of burning social enemies had spread [...] now taking the gruesome form of necklacing the ‘impimpis’ (suspected informers).at impimpi, n.
I. van Kessel Beyond Our Wildest Dreams 85: More serious is the fact that the government’s vigilante and kitskonstabel strategy is based on the capacity of the state to recruit rural and kitskonstabel, n.
I. van Kessel Beyond our Wildest Dreams 127: Several of the alleged witches [...] were also subjected to a necklace necklace, n.
I. van Kessel Beyond our Wildest Dreams 41: The rise of the comtsotsis (a confluence of comrades and tsotsis, or township gang members) can be traced to the period of the second emergency. [Ibid.] 202: They had their own network with other gangs of comtsotsis, or comrade gang members, in tsotsi, n.
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