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[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 299: Porter, who was a ‘guy-away’ book-maker.
at guy-a-whack, adj.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 297: Didn’t argy.
at argy-bargy, v.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 143: ‘Barbering’s’ just a screaming farce to me.
at barber, v.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 162: It’s them Chinkies as ’as set ’undreds of girls on the batter.
at batter, v.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 211: My bullocks ’ad ’ad a good feed. I could see at a glimpse by their bustin’ bingies.
at bingy, n.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 247: This example sent Joe and Jimmie Governor out through the bush districts to wreak their vengeance upon those who had spoken of them as ‘black trash,’ because the murderers thought they were just as good as the ‘white trash’ who taught them by example.
at black trash (n.) under black, adj.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 210: But I’ve ’eard ’em, blue lashin’s of ’em.
at blue, adj.5
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 23: See that cove? Ain’t he boozed up, proper?
at boozed, adj.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 114: Ain’t I good enuff ter yer, give yer all the money I make when I ’ave the luck ter ‘break it’.
at break it (big) (v.) under break, v.2
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 221: You’ve got your head screwed on right-oh, Doctor. I though I was a bit of a bush lawyer myself, but you take the cake.
at bush lawyer (n.) under bush, adj.1
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 190: A bright-eyed, energetic girl, so thoroughly Australian in her ready wit and courage to do anything ‘bushy’.
at bushy, adj.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 240: Billy [...] rushing in mad for glory, loot, murder, anything. He got it! ‘“The Nugget,” by Gawd!’ exclaimed he, aghast. ‘My Gawd, I’ll cave. Wot a butcher’s shop.’.
at butcher’s picnic (n.) under butcher, n.1
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 112: This ’ere new caboodle takes the cake.
at caboodle, n.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 159: You pinches yer cargo off ’em in the early mornin’.
at cargo, n.2
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 20: ’Is ‘push’ was a chyackin me about ’im.
at chi-ike, v.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 49: ‘See that Chinki,’ said Billy. ‘Ching Chong Chinaman.’ [Ibid.] 161: Why, the Chinkie’s ain’t in it.
at Chinky, n.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 47: I ain’t allays too well clobbered. This is my Sunday-go-to-meetin’s I’ve got on.
at clobber, v.1
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 17: Toby Johnson, Billy’s ‘cobber’ or mate.
at cobber, n.2
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 259: ‘’Ow’s yer ’ead?’ asked the old digger. ‘Bother my ’ead,’ replied Squiffy. ‘It’s my coker-nut, ain’t it, an’ not yours.’.
at coconut, n.1
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 214: ‘’Ang it all,’ says I, ‘this ’ere beats cock-fightin’! ‘Come on!’ says the cove.
at come on!, excl.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 170: ‘Let’s go an’ ’ave a stroll in ’Yde Park,’ said Ted to Toby. ‘Do the lar-di-da a bit.’.
at la-di-da(h), n.1
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 116: Slim Jim — was ‘doin’ the lar-dida,’ as he expressed it to himself, in a check suit, soft hat and gloves.
at la-di-da, v.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 158: ‘Dew-dropping,’ ‘dragging down’ or ‘flimpings’ more in our line.
at dewdrop, v.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 285: It was a ding-dong fight from start to finish.
at ding-dong, adj.1
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 112: Well, we’ve done our bit o’ stoushin’ to-night, an’ landed the divveys.
at divvy, n.1
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 113: All you’ve got to do is to be sure o’ your John, an’ learn the time ’e comes round, spark ’im well away, and do yer little does in the blooming hinterval.
at do, n.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 143: With ‘master piece’ in kit, I often do a bit.
at do a bit (v.) under do, v.1
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 143: I scorn to ‘flimp’ or ‘hold,’ on ‘dragging’ I ain’t bold. [Ibid.] 158: ‘Dew-dropping,’ ‘dragging down’ or ‘flimpings’ more in our line.
at dragging, n.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 106: Classed as a ‘fair beaut.’ amongst his semi-larrikin ‘push’ [...] he was then as active as a cat.
at fair, adj.
[Aus] W.S. Walker In the Blood 114: No fear, Cocky. Fair does is fair does.
at fair dos under fair, adj.
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