1942 K. Williams Diaries 29 Jan. 2: Finished the litho map work — room for improvement. Levy to go to the RAF. Saw Citizen Kane — boshey rot.at boshy, adj.
1942 K. Williams Diaries 7 Apr. 3: Started — felt very nervous! everything OK, those I saw jolly decent lot. Other fellow a conchie!! objector.at conchie, n.
1942 K. Williams Diaries 9 Aug. 4: Read She balderdash! tripe! eyewash! blah! etcetera.at eyewash (n.) under eye, n.
1946 K. Williams Diaries 25 Dec. 8: Splendid party in Green Room at Nee Soon. Send-up of 7 Keys to Baldpate called 7 Stops to Aldgate, tore the place up!at tear up, v.
1947 K. Williams Diaries 24 Oct. 15: Went to the matelots’ bar — met 2 marines — very charming. Bonar shamshes.at bona, adj.
1947 K. Williams Diaries 1 Jan. 8: Went to Singapore with Stan — very camp evening, but tatty types so didn’t bother to make overtures.at camp, adj.
1947 K. Williams Diaries 7 Feb. 9: Ronny beamed at me tonight from the orchestra pit! awfully nice chappy.at chappie, n.
1947 K. Williams Diaries 4 Sept. 14: Maj. Hills gave me special demob letter to show in H.K.at demob, n.
1947 K. Williams Diaries 16 Jan. 8: Went round to the gay bar which wasn’t in the least gay and saw K and Co.at gay, adj.
1947 K. Williams Diaries 10 Feb. 10: Coffees in Nee Soon with Harry M., details of affaires. Gory. 69 etc.at sixty-nine, n.
1947 K. Williams Diaries 24 Mar. 11: Went to supper at an awfully tatty restaurant — turned out to be a brothel.at tatty, adj.
1948 K. Williams Diaries 29 Dec. 37: This boy is the personification of indecision, just doesn’t know what to do with himself. Ye Gods!at ye gods (and little fishes)!, excl.
1948 K. Williams Diaries 18 Sept. 33: Great success. Bags of bouquets arriving over the footlights etc.at bags (of), n.
1948 K. Williams Diaries 15 May 29: I’m sick of the Coy. of Three — the whole shoot of ’em.at whole bang shoot, n.
1948 K. Williams Diaries 3 Feb. 21: That delightful boy with such a voice whom I got boozy with upon two distinctly memorable occasions.at boozy, adj.
1948 K. Williams Diaries 23 Feb. 23: Made lots of innuendos about actors being hatters and so forth, but I didn’t bite the bait.at brown-hatter, n.
1948 K. Williams Diaries 1 Feb. 21: I must say I don’t particularly go a bundle on the journey to North Acton every day!at go a bundle on (v.) under bundle, n.1
1948 K. Williams Diaries 30 Jan. 21: Sid Field was marvellous [...] what camping! I simply roared!at camp, n.2
1948 K. Williams Diaries 31 Jan. 21: It was a very good show — quite gay in parts, with some lovely, oh luvly camping and drag!at drag, n.1
1948 K. Williams Diaries 29 Feb. 24: Stanley Baxter tells me he is entering the Old Vic in the spring. I wonder if I stand an earthly in this?at earthly, n.
1948 K. Williams Diaries 26 Jan. 20: Of course he just isn’t true, and not a little unlike a gorm.at gom, n.2
1948 K. Williams Diaries 15 May 29: I’m sick of this bloody dead and alive hole they call Newquay.at hole, n.1
1948 K. Williams Diaries 3 Feb. 21: It was terribly happy-making, so I typed him two airmails in reply. [Ibid.] 26 Apr. 28: All very exciting and mob hysteria-making.at -making, sfx
1948 K. Williams Diaries 7 June 30: The producer [...] looks as if he’s going to get up everybody’s nose.at get up someone’s nose (v.) under nose, n.
1948 K. Williams Diaries 17 Dec. 36: Says there is a poss. of me getting work at Stratford Rep.at poss, n.
1948 K. Williams Diaries 8 Dec. 35: Had supper with him after at the Corner House — it was full of queers and prosts.at prostie, n.
1948 K. Williams Diaries 26 Jan. 20: I asked Ced. if he knew Socrates and Terry were q. and he said he did! [Ibid.] 5 Mar. 24: Camp conversation with Marie — she says Cyril Ritchard is queue!!! I was really amazed!at q, adj.
1948 K. Williams Diaries 16 Mar. 25: Met Michael Berry today [...] and he is a female impersonator! The whole thing seems to be a conspiracy! Is the whole of London going queue-ing?at go queueing (v.) under q, adj.