Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Gates of Hell choose

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[US] C. Willingham ‘Excitement in Ergo’ in Gates of Hell (1966) 176: Burr-headed niggers drove around in a Packard.
at burrheaded, adj.
[US] C. Willingham ‘Excitement in Ergo’ in Gates of Hell (1966) 177: That would serve the chinchy skonk right.
at chinchy, adj.
[US] C. Willingham ‘Guardian Angel’ in Gates of Hell (1966) 132: Give me another of those cigarettes [...] Or should I say ‘coffin tacks’?
at coffin nail, n.2
[US] C. Willingham ‘A Clowny Night in the Red-eyed World’ in Gates of Hell (1966) 25: How can they be money-crazy and pinkos at the same time?
at -crazy, sfx
[US] C. Willingham ‘Excitement in Ergo’ in Gates of Hell (1966) 173: It was with horror that he later discovered he had gotten a case of a social disease, the creeping crud.
at crud, n.
[US] C. Willingham ‘Excitement in Ergo’ in Gates of Hell (1966) 176: Yaller, spec-wearing, burr-headed, panty-waisted niggers in bow ties and gray spats.
at pantywaisted, adj.
[US] C. Willingham ‘Love on Toast’ in Gates of Hell (1966) 25: She certainly has peddled her ass all over town.
at peddle one’s ass (v.) under peddle, v.
[US] C. Willingham ‘Excitement in Ergo’ in Gates of Hell (1966) 176: Yaller, spec-wearing, burr-headed, panty-waisted niggers.
at specs, n.
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