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Satanstoe choose

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[US] J.F. Cooper Satanstoe I 68: ‘Buttermilk, by Jingo,’ exclaimed the disappointed pedagogue. Saint Jingo was the only saint, and a ‘darnation,’ or ‘darn you,’ were the only oaths, his puritan education ever allowed him to use.
at darnation!, excl.
[US] J.F. Cooper Satanstoe I 81: Jason insisted that the young lady was huffed, as he called it, and that she had thus refused to take the money merely because she was thus offended.
at huff, v.
[US] J.F. Cooper Satanstoe I 68: ‘Buttermilk, by Jingo,’ exclaimed the disappointed pedagogue. Saint Jingo was the only saint, and a ‘darnation,’ or ‘darn you,’ were the only oaths, his puritan education ever allowed him to use.
at jingo!, excl.
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