at bing a waste, v.
at aproner (n.) under apron, n.
at bing, v.1
at bouse, n.
at bousing-ken, n.
at bufe, n.
at tib (of the buttery), n.
at canniken, n.1
at caster, n.1
at chats, n.1
at grunting-cheat, n.
at fambling-cheat, n.
at smelling-cheat, n.
at smelling-cheat, n.
at quacking cheat, n.
at hearing cheats, n.
at clip, v.1
at cly the jerk (v.) under cly, v.
at cly, v.
at commission, n.
at couch a hogshead (v.) under couch, v.
at cramp-rings, n.
at crash, v.
at cut bene whids (v.) under cut, v.1
at dimber-damber, n.
at damber, n.
at deuseaville, n.
at dimber, adj.
at dock, v.
at drawers, n.
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