Green’s Dictionary of Slang
A. Burgess ‘Gloss. of NADSAT Language’ in Clockwork Orange n.p.: Others [i.e. coinages] are produced simply by schoolboy transformations: ‘appy polly loggy’ (apology), ‘baddiwad’ (bad), ‘eggiweg’ (egg), ‘skolliwoll’ (school), and so baddiwad, adj.
A. Burgess ‘Gloss. of NADSAT Language’ in Clockwork Orange n.p.: Bezoomy Mad Russian: byezoomiyi/mad, bezoomy, adj.
A. Burgess Clockwork Orange 2: There were a few starry letters, some of them dating right back to 1960, with ‘My dearest dearest’ in them and all that chepooka, and a keyring and a starry leaky chepooka, n.
A. Burgess Clockwork Orange 16: Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly, yarbles, n.
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