Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Faithful Friends choose

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[UK] Beaumont & Fletcher Faithful Friends I ii: This tiffeny Trader, wants Customers, I thrust em together; this greasie Cittizen, would put off some mustie Comodetie that some young heire would halfe hang himselfe to take vpp.
at commodity, n.
[UK] Beaumont & Fletcher Faithful Friends II ii: To yeild at first encounter may befitt the State of some Suburbane strumpet, but not her a King shall crowne with his affection.
at suburb (wench) (n.) under suburb, n.
[UK] Beaumont & Fletcher Faithful Friends I ii: This tiffany tilting Trader, wants Customers.
at taffeta, adj.
[UK] Beaumont & Fletcher Faithful Friends I ii: ’Twere fitter / Such honest lads as myself had it, that instead / Of pedlar’s French gives him plain language for his money.
at pedlar’s French, n.
[UK] Beaumont & Fletcher Faithful Friends III ii: Then comes a page: the saucy jacket-weaver Stood upon’s pantables with me, and would in: But, I think I took him down ere I had done with him .
at stand upon one’s pantables (v.) under stand up, v.
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