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Mary’s Birthday choose

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[US] G.H. Miles Mary’s Birthday III iii: There’s poetry for you, George, impromptu. Can you beat it?
at can you beat it? under beat, v.
[US] G.H. Miles Mary’s Birthday II i: ’Arley swore ’e’d blow my brains out hif I blowed ’im before ’e was ready to see you.
at blow, v.1
[US] G.H. Miles Mary’s Birthday II i: Of course you were a fool to do what you did; any other booby would have done the same.
at booby, n.1
[US] G.H. Miles Mary’s Birthday II i: Come, I am crazy to start for Europe.
at crazy, adj.
[US] G.H. Miles Mary’s Birthday II i: Speak, you bloody British booby; speak, or I’ll give you a dose of American lead.
at give someone a dose (v.) under dose, n.1
[US] G.H. Miles Mary’s Birthday II i: By the royal George, I hopinioned you’d take a fancy to the girl yourself.
at by George! (excl.) under George, n.2
[US] G.H. Miles Mary’s Birthday I i: Dry up, you hold Guy.
at guy, n.1
[US] G.H. Miles Mary’s Birthday I i: Well, Mr. Impudence.
at Mr, n.
[US] G.H. Miles Mary’s Birthday II i: Remember, mum! It will leak out in good time. Remember mum!
at mum!, excl.
[US] G.H. Miles Mary’s Birthday II i: Speak out, or by the blood of Nimrod I’ll wing you.
at wing, v.
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