1589 Greene Menaphon in Grosart Works (1881–3) VI 86: Whosoeuer Samela descanted of that loue, tolde you a Canterbury tale.at Canterbury story, n.
1589 Greene Menaphon 27: Besides, who knows not that these Arcadians are giuen to take the benefit of euery Hodge, when they will sacrifice their virginity to Venus.at hodge, n.
1589 Nashe Menaphon (1610) A4: Indeede it may bee, the ingrafted ouerflow of some kil-cow conceit, that ouercloyeth their imagination with a more than drunken resolution.at kill-calf (adj.) under kill, v.
1589 Nashe in Menaphon (1610) A2: Shifting companions [...] that could scarcely Latinize their neck verse if they should haue neede.at neck verse (n.) under neck, n.
1589 Greene Menaphon (1927) 77: You meane to follow sute and seruice, though you get but a handfull of smoake to the bargaine.at smoke, n.