Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Diary of Nelson Kingsley choose

Quotation Text

[UK] N. Kingsley Diary (1914) 22: Broke out our chests to-day, found all our things in good order. [Ibid.] 73: They broke out the baggage room to-day to get iron for various purposes [OED].
at break out, v.
[US] N. Kingsley Diary 50: Fine stories are cold comfort, when it is as they say ‘All talk and no cider.’.
at all talk and no cider under talk, v.
[US] N. Kingsley Diary (1914) 62: There is a Yankee [...] who has married a verry fine rich Spanish lady [...] considered one of the ‘upper ten.’.
at upper ten, n.
[US] N. Kingsley Diary (1914) 114: We arrived at the bar in time to [...] get supper &c which consisted of flippers and fried pork [DAE].
at flipper, n.2
[US] N. Kingsley Diary (1914) 97: Mr. Hopkins is hard sick.
at hard, adv.
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