Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Lost Lover, or, The Jealous Husband choose

Quotation Text

[UK] D. Manley Lost Lover I i: l. young: Where ave you been since dinner? sir rustick: Be dad taking a Glass to this pretty Lady’s health. [Ibid.] III ii: I have bin telling her, how eager all the young Fellows will be of hitting the Bride in the Face; but be-dad, I hope I shall hit her better somewhere else.
at bedad!, excl.
[UK] D. Manley Lost Lover III ii: Be-gad Madam! You don’t know what an Insipid Fellow I am this way.
at begad!, excl.
[UK] D. Manley Lost Lover III ii: I have bin telling her, how eager all the young Fellows will be of hitting the Bride in the Face; but be-dad, I hope I shall hit her better somewhere else.
at hit, v.
[UK] D. Manley Lost Lover V i: If I am mad, ’tis horn mad.
at horn-mad, adj.
[UK] D. Manley Lost Lover I i: Ods-bobs thou wilt not do that, I hope.
at odsbobs! (excl.) under ods, n.
[UK] D. Manley Lost Lover V i: He’s a meer Quack [...] if use make use of him, he’l certainly be the Death of you.
at quack, n.1
[UK] D. Manley Lost Lover II i: ori.: ’Tis my Lady Junket’s Visiting day. [...] bel.: O, that old Gossiping thing.
at thing, n.
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