Green’s Dictionary of Slang
Mountain Democrat (Placerville, CA) 8 Nov. 4(?)/2: In surgery and medicine the above title is given to treatment which if it fails to cure is bound to kill the patient. In the latter case it is liable to also make duck soup of the practitioner’s duck soup, n.
Mountain Democrat (Placerville, CA) 3/3: The Broadway of the promenaders is divided into three parts. The first part, the shopping district, reaches from Eighth street north to Twenty-first, the second part stretches from Twenty-first to Thirty-third, and is the widely known ‘Tenderloin or Hoffman House district,’ and from Thirty-third to Forty-second stretches the ‘soubrettes’ parade.’.at tenderloin, n.
Mountain Democrat (Placerville, CA) 26 Jan. 5/1: Scutte is first and foremost, truly a northern Nevada buckaroo, n.
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