1848 Macaulay Hist. of England II Ch. 10 🌐 He could not submit to be tied to the apron strings even of the best of wives.at tied to someone’s apron-strings (adj.) under apron-strings, n.
1848 Macaulay Hist. of England I Ch. 3 🌐 A rich beverage made of the best Spanish wine, and celebrated over the whole kingdom as Bristol milk.at Bristol milk (n.) under Bristol, n.
1848 Macaulay Hist. of England II Ch. 10 🌐 The King’s printing house [...] was, to use a coarse metaphor which then, for the first time, came into use, completely gutted.at gut, v.1
1848 Macaulay Hist. of England I Ch. 3 🌐 To a landsman these tarpaulins, as they were called, seemed a strange and half savage race.at tarpaulin, n.
1855 Macaulay Hist. of England III Ch. 16 🌐 To play the Hector at cockpits and hazard tables.at hector, n.
1855 Macaulay Hist. of England IV Ch. 22 🌐 This man, who [...] was described as an awkward, stupid, Hogan Mogan.at hogan-mogan, n.