Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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A Dialogue between Sir John Pooley and Mr. Thomas Killigrew choose

Quotation Text

[UK] J. Denham Pooley and Killigrew 105: Whether it Pullen be or Shanker, / Corded and crooked like an Anchor, / Your cure too costs you but a Spanker.
at poulain, n.
[UK] J. Denham Pooley and Killigrew 104: You have been an old Fornicater, And now are shot ’twixt wind and Water.
at shot between wind and water (adj.) under shot, adj.
[UK] J. Denham Pooley and Killigrew 105: Whether it Pullen be or Shanker, / Corded and crooked like an Anchor, / Your cure too costs you but a Spanker.
at spanker, n.1
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