Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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St Louis Globe-Democrat choose

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[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: After proceeding a few blocks, he stops in front of a ‘gin-mill,’ and says: ‘Here’s a ranch, let’s anchor’.
at anchor, v.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: Aftr all have ‘nominated,’ such remarks pass as ‘spiel,’ ‘put it down,’ ‘here’s looking at you,’ ‘tip,’ ‘here’s a go.’.
at here’s looking at you!, excl.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: The party arrange themselves at the bar and are invited [...] to ‘have some whisk,’ or ‘take a smile,’ ‘have one,’ ‘take a ball,’ ‘take a hist,’ ‘take a horn,’ ‘take a noggin,’ ‘get vaccinated,’ all of which mean that one and all shall have a drink.
at ball, n.2
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: Whereupon, the party addressed takes an inventory of his friend’s clothes and in reference to his overcoat exclaims, ‘Oh what a Benjamin’.
at benjamin, n.1
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: They nominate ‘bottled electricity,’ ‘lemonade with a stick in it,’ ‘jig-water,’ ‘budge,’ ‘bilge-water,’ ‘bug-juice,’ ‘rat-poison,’ ‘fusel-oil,’ ‘red-eye,’ ‘liquid ointment,’ ‘cut nails,’ ‘hard head,’ ‘benzine,’ ‘nitro-glycerine,’ ‘oil,’ ‘tea,’ ‘eye-water,’ ‘chain- lightning.’ [...] they all want the same article, alcohol, more or less diluted.
at bilgewater, n.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: The young man of today, when he enters a saloon [...] is liable, as his first demonstration, to salute the bar-keeper with some such remark as, ‘Hello Boss.’ This is often varied , and such highsounding names as ‘Senator,’ ‘Governor,’ ‘General,’ ‘Colonel’, ‘Major’, ‘Captain’, ‘Judge’, ‘Duke’, ‘Deacon’ made to rtake the place of the word ‘Boss’.
at boss, n.2
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: If he had his ‘shooting-iron’ with him he would ‘croak the bloody sucker’ who ‘bounced’ him.
at bounce, v.1
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: [This] impels his friend to say, ‘Did you get the grand bounce?’.
at bounce, n.1
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: They nominate ‘bottled electricity,’ ‘lemonade with a stick in it,’ ‘jig-water,’ ‘budge,’ ‘bilge-water,’ ‘bug-juice,’ ‘rat-poison,’ ‘fusel-oil,’ ‘red-eye,’ ‘liquid ointment,’ ‘cut nails,’ ‘hard head,’ ‘benzine,’ ‘nitro-glycerine,’ ‘oil,’ ‘tea,’ ‘eye-water,’ ‘chain- lightning.’ [...] they all want the same article, alcohol, more or less diluted.
at budge, n.2
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: He is told by his equally ‘busted’ companions to ‘stand him up,’ ‘give him the slip,’ ‘put up your educated forefinger at him’.
at bust, adj.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: Whereupon, the party addressed takes an inventory of his friend’s clothes and [...] as to his head-covering, he thinks had better ‘shoot that tile’ and buy a new ‘dice,’ as ‘cadies’ of that style are out of fashion.
at cady, n.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: The invitation [i.e. to drink] is usually greeted with such exclamations as ‘don’t care if I do,’ ‘cert,’ etc.
at cert, adv.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: A member of the thrown-out ‘brigade’ [...] entreats the newcomer not to ‘give it away,’ which causes that party to inquire if they take him for a ‘gillie,’ a ‘guy’ or a ‘flat,’ and if they are not afraid they will ’get the collar’?
at collar, n.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: If he had his ‘shooting-iron’ with him he would ‘croak the bloody sucker’ who ‘bounced’ him.
at croak, v.2
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: The thieves’ ‘fly cops,’ ‘pulled his leather,’ ‘got his boodle,’ ‘lifted his spark,’ ‘shoving the queer,’ ‘crossmen,’ ‘give him the flip,’ ‘wring his super,’ ‘collar his wipe,’ etc.
at cross-man (n.) under cross, adj.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: They nominate ‘bottled electricity,’ ‘lemonade with a stick in it,’ ‘jig-water,’ ‘budge,’ ‘bilge-water,’ ‘bug-juice,’ ‘rat-poison,’ ‘fusel-oil,’ ‘red-eye,’ ‘liquid ointment,’ ‘cut nails,’ ‘hard head,’ ‘benzine,’ ‘nitro-glycerine,’ ‘oil,’ ‘tea,’ ‘eye-water,’ ‘chain- lightning.’ [...] they all want the same article, alcohol, more or less diluted.
at cut nails, n.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: For women such [slang] phrases as ‘done,’ ‘dame,’ ‘girly,’ etc.
at dame, n.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: Whereupon, the party addressed takes an inventory of his friend’s clothes and [...] as to his head-covering, he thinks had better ‘shoot that tile’ and buy a new ‘dice,’ as ‘cadies’ of that style are out of fashion.
at dicer, n.1
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: For women such [slang] phrases as ‘done,’ ‘dame,’ ‘girly,’ etc.
at done, n.1
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: After all have ‘nominated,’ such remarks pass as ‘spiel,’ ‘put it down,’ ‘here’s looking at you,’ ‘tip,’ ‘here’s a go.’.
at put it down! (excl.) under put down, v.1
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: One drinks [sic] the ‘bloody sucker’ ought to ‘drop on hisself’.
at drop on oneself (v.) under drop, v.1
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: They nominate ‘bottled electricity,’ ‘lemonade with a stick in it,’ ‘jig-water,’ ‘budge,’ ‘bilge-water,’ ‘bug-juice,’ ‘rat-poison,’ ‘fusel-oil,’ ‘red-eye,’ ‘liquid ointment,’ ‘cut nails,’ ‘hard head,’ ‘benzine,’ ‘nitro-glycerine,’ ‘oil,’ ‘tea,’ ‘eye-water,’ ‘chain- lightning.’ [...] they all want the same article, alcohol, more or less diluted.
at eyewater (n.) under eye, n.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: The bar-keeper gets ‘riled’ [...] and then adds ‘take a walk,’ ‘skirmish,’ ‘mosey,’ ‘walk off on your eyebrow’.
at walk off on (one’s) eyebrow under eyebrow, n.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: The sober friend [...] wants to know if they will never ‘let up on pop and gun business,’ and talk no more about ‘faking’ the ‘gin-millist’.
at fake, v.1
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: He is told by his equally ‘busted’ companions to ‘stand him up,’ [i.e. a bartender] ‘give him the slip,’ ‘put up your educated forefinger at him’.
at give someone the finger (v.) under finger, n.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: This excites merriment, and they all say, ’stag his nibs’ while one waxes confidential, and asks, ‘how are you fixed?’.
at fixed, adj.1
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: They nominate ‘bottled electricity,’ ‘lemonade with a stick in it,’ ‘jig-water,’ ‘budge,’ ‘bilge-water,’ ‘bug-juice,’ ‘rat-poison,’ ‘fusel-oil,’ ‘red-eye,’ ‘liquid ointment,’ ‘cut nails,’ ‘hard head,’ ‘benzine,’ ‘nitro-glycerine,’ ‘oil,’ ‘tea,’ ‘eye-water,’ ‘chain- lightning.’ [...] they all want the same article, alcohol, more or less diluted.
at fusil oil, n.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: Others of the crowd think the bar-keeper is a ‘funny boy’, and that his remarks are ‘too thin,’ ‘too gauzy,’ and ‘won’t wash’.
at gauzy, adj.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: The sober friend [...] wants to know if they will never ‘let up on pop and gun business,’ and talk no more about ‘faking’ the ‘gin-millist’.
at gin-mill, n.
[US] St Louis Globe-Democrat 19 Jan. n.p.: For women such [slang] phrases as ‘done,’ ‘dame,’ ‘girly,’ etc.
at girlie, n.
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