Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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King of the World choose

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[US] D. Remnick King of the World 157: Now here comes Cassius Clay popping off and abusive and loud.
at pop off (at the mouth), v.
[US] D. Remnick King of the World 156: The Times’ regular boxing writer...declared that the Liston-Clay fight was a dog.
at dog, n.2
[US] D. Remnick King of the World 154: Soon just about every schnook with a microphone would be asking the day’s goat...
at schnook, n.
[US] D. Remnick King of the World 157: Never mind Rocky Marciano was a slob who would show up at events in a T-shirt.
at slob, n.1
[US] D. Remnick King of the World 157: For Jimmy Cannon he [i.e. Muhammad Ali] was, pardon the expression, an uppity nigger.
at uppity, adj.
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