Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The Crime Confederation choose

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[US] Salerno & Tompkins Crime Confederation 5: Even kids could spot it three blocks away and yell, ‘Here comes a Green Hornet!’.
at green hornet (n.) under green, adj.1
[US] Salerno & Tompkins Crime Confederation 102: The ‘hitters’ [...] will do the shooting or break the arms and legs required.
at hitter, n.
[US] Salerno & Tompkins Crime Confederation 367: Thinly financed businessmen and individuals have long taken advantage of ‘the float’—the delay between writing a check and its collection—and have resorted to ‘kiting’.
at kiting, n.
[US] Salerno & Tompkins Crime Confederation 367: The mechanism of loansharking should adapt very well to electronic banking.
at loan sharking, n.
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