1528 Roy & Barlow Rede me and be nott wrothe (1895) 41: Cockes bonnes this is rancke heresy.at cock, n.1
1528 Roy & Barlow Rede me and be nott wrothe (1895) 117: In carde playinge he is a goode greke And can skyll of post and glyeke Also a payre of dyce to trolle.at Greek, n.
1528 Roy & Barlow Rede me and be nott wrothe (1895) 56: They regarde it no more be gisse Then waggynge of his mules tayle.at by Jis! (excl.) under Jis, n.
1528 Roy & Barlow Rede me and be nott wrothe (1895) 32: He had the pockes, without fayle, Wherefore people on hym did rayle.at pox, n.1