Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[UK] Lydgate Minor Poems 166: Whos chaunce go the neyther on synk nor sice, But with ambes ace encresithe his dispence.
at ambs-ace, n.
[UK] Lydgate Minor Poems (1840) 31: Canst thou no better come to holynesse, Than lese thiself al for a tikel-taylle?
at tickle-tail, n.
[UK] Lydgate Minor Poems 30: Thy mone-pynnes bene lyche old yuory Here are stumpes feble and her are none .
at mompyns, n.
[UK] Lydgate ‘Complaint of the Black Knight’ Minor Poems II (1934) line 675: Go, litel quayre, go vn-to my lyves quene [...] And be ryght glad for she shal the sene.
at right, adv.
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