Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Pleasant Discovery of the Coosnage of Colliars choose

Quotation Text

[UK] Greene Pleasant Discovery of the Coosnage of Colliars D2: The law of legering, which is a deceit wherewith colliers abuse the commonwealth, in having unlawful sacks.
at legering (n.) under leger, n.
[UK] Greene Pleasant Discovery of the Coosnage of Colliars D3: There be also certaine Colliers that bring coles to London in Barges, and they be called Gripes, to these come the Leger, and bargains with him for his coles.
at leger, n.
[UK] Greene Pleasant Discovery of the Coosnage of Colliars D3: The Leger, the crafty collier I meane, [...] bargaynth with the Countrie Colliers for his coales and paieth for them nineteen shillings or twentie at the most.
at leger, n.
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