Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[UK] W. Lawrence Diary Aug. 27: Flesh was so cheap in that Market [...] that their Boxes were unremembred, and they return’d with pockets as light as their persons.
at box, n.1
[UK] W. Lawrence Diary July 24: It is this little Member, which, like the Rudder of a Ship, steeres the mind as well of the prince as the peasant. ’Tis a Remora that can stop a Ship in its full saile.
at rudder, n.
[UK] W. Lawrence Diary Aug. 27: The Warren at Windsor was much over-stock’t, so that a Coney there was a very dead Commodity, and might have sate cross-legg’d like those that have a slit in the Belly, and are hung up in a poulterer’s Shop.
at warren, n.1
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