Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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George’s Marvellous Medicine choose

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[UK] R. Dahl George’s Marvellous Medicine 47: How’s that for a bash up?
at bash up (v.) under bash, v.
[UK] R. Dahl George’s Marvellous Medicine 28: [of a woman] They will no doubt cause some splendid explosions inside the old geezer.
at old geezer (n.) under geezer, n.1
[UK] R. Dahl George’s Marvellous Medicine 81: I sloshed in a bit of anti-freeze.
at slosh, v.2
[UK] R. Dahl George’s Marvellous Medicine 16: He had a tremendous urge to do something about her. Something whopping.
at whopping, adj.
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