1851 John o’ Groat Jrnl 5 Dec. 4/2: Nor did the m,ulligrubs affect the King, nor did we feel a little queer.at mulligrubs, n.
1857 John o’ Groat Jrnl 2 Jan. 4/1: ‘Tell him not to be in a pucker,’ sez I.at in a pucker under pucker, n.
1863 John o’ Groat Jrnl 24 Sept. 3/2: We had hot potatoes! Oh, Jiminy Criminy! — weren’t they nice!at criminy!, excl.
1864 John o’ Groat Jrnl 18 Aug. 2/8: In 1852 it was ‘Johnie lad,’ as out knight of the awl called him.at ...the awl under knight of the..., n.