Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Commander Brady choose

Quotation Text

[UK] J.E. Macdonnell Commander Brady 83: ‘Come on Torps – pull your finger out!’ rasped Seymour.
at pull one’s finger out (v.) under finger, n.
[UK] J.E. Macdonnell Commander Brady 249: Now don’t forget. Nobody grogged up. Nobody rortin’ it up with them Yanks.
at rort, v.2
[UK] J.E. Macdonnell Commander Brady 224: ‘What actually was wrong with him?’ Number One looked at him steadily. ‘Like I said. A wog.’ ‘Yes, I heard that. What sort of wog?’ [...] ‘Malaria,’ he said briefly.
at wog, n.2
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