Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: If a student wants to study and his room is invaded by his fraternity or dormitory brothers, he politely tells them to leave by saying [...] ‘cop a sneak’ ‘cop a breeze’ or ‘take a powder’ .
at cop a breeze (excl.) under cop a..., v.
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: If a student wants to study and his room is invaded by his fraternity or dormitory brothers, he politely tells them to leave by saying [...] ‘cop a sneak’ ‘cop a breeze’ or ‘take a powder’ .
at cop a sneak (v.) under cop a..., v.
[US] ‘Campus Lingo’ in Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/2: Strange indeed is the campus lingo these days of Joe College and Betty Co-ed.
at betty coed, n.
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: Joe College says ‘cut your bumpin’ to the classmate who wants to be on good terms with the professor.
at bump, v.1
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: Joe College says [...] ‘don’t give me the business’ to someone who he thinks is giving him a line.
at give someone the business (v.) under business, n.
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: Examination aids are ‘cribs’ and things that students can’t find a word for are ‘twitches’.
at crib, n.3
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: A ‘dope’ person is referred to as a ‘schmo hawk’.
at dope, adj.2
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: A five dollar bill is a ’finskie’ a nickel is a ‘jit’ and a half a dollar is ‘half a schnooze’ ‘half a schmier’ or a ‘half a rock’.
at fin, n.2
[US] ‘Campus Lingo’ in Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/2: A person, place or thing that is no good has earned the dubious title of a ‘hump’.
at hump, n.1
[US] ‘Campus Lingo’ in Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/2: Strange indeed is the campus lingo these days of Joe College and Betty Co-ed.
at Joe College (n.) under joe, n.1
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: A ‘dope’ person is referred to as a ‘schmo hawk’ while an obese person is a ‘lardy’.
at lardy, adj.
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: The fraternity brother who goes home for the week-end is going to ‘tear off a little romance’ - presumably with the girl back home.
at tear off, v.2
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: Students playing a game of cards are known to be ‘busy in the movies’ or watching pictures’.
at picture, n.
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: If a student wants to study and his room is invaded by his fraternity or dormitory brothers, he politely tells them to leave by saying [...] ‘cop a sneak’ ‘cop a breeze’ or ‘take a powder’ .
at take a powder (v.) under powder, n.2
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: Half a dollar is ‘half a schnooze’ ‘half a schmier’ or a ‘half a rock’.
at rock, n.
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: If you’re hungry and decide to go out to eat, you’re ‘scauffin’ it up’.
at scarf, v.
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: A five dollar bill is a ’finskie’ a nickel is a ‘jit’ and a half a dollar is ‘half a schnooze’ ‘half a schmier’ or a ‘half a rock’.
at schmeer, n.
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: A ‘dope’ person is referred to as a ‘schmo hawk’.
at schmo, n.
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: A freshman is one who ’doesn’t know what the score is’.
at know the score (v.) under score, n.2
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/2: When Joe College refers to the campus co-ed, it’s usually ‘chippie’ or ‘scrag’.
at scrag, n.2
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: If you go out for a little fun you’re ’out on a tear’.
at tear, n.
[US] Reading (PA) Eagle 20 Mar. 7/3: When a student calls up the girl friend for a date [...] it’s ’would you like to pitch-a-little-woo’ .
at woo, n.
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