Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Children of the Ghetto choose

Quotation Text

[UK] I. Zangwill Children of the Ghetto 10: Few men could shuffle along more inoffensively or cry ‘Old Clo’ with a meeker twitter than Sleepy Sol.
at old clo, n.
[UK] I. Zangwill Children of the Ghetto 43: He was a ‘greener’ of the greenest order, having landed at the docks only a few hours ago.
at greener, n.1
[UK] I. Zangwill Children of the Ghetto 156: She’s meshuggah — quite mad!
at meshuga, adj.
[UK] I. Zangwill Children of the Ghetto 77: Father [...] potched my face after I was a married woman. I shall never forget that slap.
at potch, v.
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