Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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The ladies champion confounding the author of The wandring whore choose

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[UK] Ladies Champion 4: [Ladies will] try whether thou art a kin to an Irish man or no, and teach thee Hay then up go we, up tayls all, the Pitchers gone to’th wall.
at up-tails-all, n.
[UK] Ladies Champion 4: Off goes thy stones as sure as a gun or a club to make Billjard balls on, and thy yard their Billjard-stick to play at their portalls.
at billiard ball, n.
[UK] Ladies Champion 8: [Marriage is] but two pair of legs in one pair of sheets, with a windmil and watermil, from whence comes no grist vendible.
at watermill (n.) under water, n.1
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