Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Spare Rib Magazine choose

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[UK] Spare Rib Dec. 36/2: In this play a bit of fluff comes home to her bit of rough after being raped by her ex-husband at an arty-party.
at bit of rough, n.2
[UK] Spare Rib July 49/1: It’s a bit of a pisstake, sending up the whole bi-sexuality thing.
at piss-take, n.
[UK] Spare Rib May 37/1: Energy and money were spent outdoing other girls in the beauty stakes.
at stakes, n.
[UK] Spare Rib XXX 4: We’ve been angry with him and he’s whimpered that yes he is pathetic and he does think of women as tits and arse.
at tits and ass, n.
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