Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Portrait of the Artist’s Wife choose

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[US] Barbara Anderson Portrait Artist’s Wife 247: Jason, a short-arsed barrel-chested model.
at short-arsed, adj.
[US] B. Anderson Portrait Artist’s Wife 284: A lot was needed as an antidote to Sarah’s frozen mitt, her hairy eyeball, her arsehole attitude.
at arsehole, adj.
[US] B. Anderson Portrait Artist’s Wife 260: No booze barns here. Not in 1972, my word. Those days are gone.
at booze barn (n.) under booze, n.
[US] B. Anderson Portrait Artist’s Wife 69: The journey involved [...] a night on the inter-island ferry coping with Sybil’s seasickness which startled even the stewardesses. ‘Poor little sparrow,’ they said, dumping yet another strawberry box.
at strawberry box, n.
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