1931 R.E. Howard ‘TNT Punch’ Action Stories Jan. 🌐 I still intends to punch his block off some day.at knock someone’s block off (v.) under block, n.1
1931 R.E. Howard ‘TNT Punch’ Action Stories Jan. [Internet] A bucko, as you likely know, is a hard-case mate, who punches his crew around.at bucko, n.1
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Sign of the Snake’ Action Stories June 🌐 Throw him out! Beat him up! Give him the bum’s rush! Out with him, John!at bum’s rush, n.
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Sign of the Snake’ Action Stories June 🌐 Ladeau was having some kind of a row with a big sailor. Suddenly the sailor hauled off and hit Froggy between the eyes.at froggy, adj.1
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Breed of Battle’Action Stories Nov. 🌐 ‘Gorblime,’ said the doorman. ‘You cawn’t go in there.’.at gorblimey!, excl.
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Sign of the Snake’ Action Stories June 🌐 So knowin’ you must be in some kind of a jamb, I just up and busted in.at jam, n.1
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Breed of Battle’ Action Stories Nov. 🌐 Grieson glared at me, trying to scare me before the scrap started – the conceited jassack.at jassack, n.
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Circus Fists’ Action Stories Dec. 🌐 ‘All I got to do is flatten jobbies?’ I said, and he said it was.at jobbie, n.1
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Breed of Battle’Action Stories Nov. 🌐 These bone-headed leather-pushers will drive me to a early doom.at leather-pusher (n.) under leather, n.
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Sign of the Snake’Action Stories June 🌐 ‘No kickin’, gougin’, or bitin’ [...] Let it be a white man’s fight.’ And a white man’s fight it was, [...] both of us stripped to the waist, with no weapons but our naked fists.at white man, n.
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Blow the Chinks Down’ Action Stories Oct. 🌐 Rights vested in me by the Chinese government, working with the British authorities, old topper.at old top, n.
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Sign of the Snake’ Action Stories June 🌐 kneeling on his chest was a slant-eyed devil in native riggings.at rigging, n.1
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Sign of the Snake’ Action Stories June 🌐 Bill had his scoffings from a panikin on the floor.at scoff, n.
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Breed of Battle’ Action Stories Nov. 🌐 Johnnie hired me and some strong-arms to turn the trick.at strongarm, n.
1931 R.E. Howard ‘Sign of the Snake’ Action Stories June 🌐 Thunderation, Steve, I wouldn’t hit a man which has just stopped as many knives as you have.at thunderation!, excl.
1932 R.E. Howard ‘Dark Shanghai’ in Action Stories Jan. 🌐 These yeller-bellies would as soon stick a knife in a white man as look at him.at yellow belly, n.
1934 R.E. Howard ‘Guns of the Mountains’ in Action Stories May–June 🌐 I’ve endured Uncle Garfield’s belly-achin’ all I aim to.at bellyaching (n.) under bellyache, v.
1934 R.E. Howard ‘Scalp Hunter’ in Action Stories Aug. 🌐 This here dollar ain’t no good! [...] You can’t run no blazer over me! […] You gimme a real dollar, or else.at run a blazer (on/over) (v.) under blazer, n.
1934 R.E. Howard ‘Mountain Man’ in Action Stories Mar.–Apr. 🌐 Drink in reason; half a gallon of corn juice is enough for any man.at corn juice (n.) under corn, n.1
1934 R.E. Howard ‘Mountain Man’ in Action Stories Mar.–Apr. 🌐 Oh, Judas Iscariot, we’re blowed up now!at Judas Priest!, excl.
1934 R.E. Howard ‘Scalp Hunter’ in Action Stories Aug. 🌐 That lammin’ they gimme in Grizzly Claw has plumb addled my brains.at lam, v.1
1934 R.E. Howard ‘Mountain Man’ Action Stories Mar.–Apr. 🌐 You boys ride into town and tell the folks that the shebangs starts soon.at shebang, n.
1934 R.E. Howard ‘Guns of the Mountains’ in Action Stories May–June 🌐 ‘Go set on a tack,’ I snorted disgustedly. ‘Go catch your own thieves.’.at go sit on a tack! (excl.) under sit, v.
1934 R.E. Howard ‘Mountain Man’ in Action Stories Mar.–Apr. 🌐 This man McGoorty rode into Perdition a few hours ago in his unmentionables.at unmentionables, n.