at alky, n.
at -artist, sfx
at Katy bar the door, phr.
at go to bat (v.) under bat, v.
at go to bat for (v.) under bat, v.
at beef, v.1
at big-leaguer, n.
at big time, n.1
at big shot, n.
at bird, n.1
at blast, n.1
at blow one’s top, v.
at booster, n.2
at bootleg, v.
at bug, n.4
at bug-eye, v.
at bunk, v.2
at give someone the business (v.) under business, n.
at business, n.
at bust out, v.2
at busted, adj.1
at in the butter under butter, n.1
at whole caboodle (n.) under caboodle, n.
at can, n.1
at caper, n.2
at getaway car, n.
at on the carpet under carpet, n.1
at caser, n.3
at chatterbox, n.
at check out, v.2
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