Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang choose

Quotation Text

[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 25: Digging The Grave Shave.
at dig a grave, v.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 47: Ting a Ling Ring.
at ting-a-ling, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 17: A.I.F. Deaf.
at a.i.f., adj.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 9: He took his pen and ink to a Cain and Abel and plonked himself into a Fred Astaire and tried to nut out a plan for the day.
at Cain and Abel, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 11: He would rather pen and ink on his ace until some of his Chinas lobbed.
at on one’s ace under ace, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 17: Acker Bilk Milk.
at Acker Bilk, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 17: Adam and Eve Sleeve.
at Adam and Eve, n.2
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 17: Armour Float Coat.
at I’m afloat, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 11: Lighting up an African he gargled on slowly.
at African, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 17: Aggots Testicles.
at agates, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 17: Air Raider Argumentive female.
at air-raider (n.) under air raid, v.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 17: Al Capone Phone.
at Al Capone, n.1
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 29: Ginger Ale [...] gaol.
at ginger ale, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 29: Ginger Ale Tail.
at ginger ale, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 29: Ginger Ale [...] mail.
at ginger ale, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 17: Alf Foolish person.
at alf, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 17: Alko Alcoholic.
at alko, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 17: Almond Rocks Socks.
at almond rock, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 18: Bass and Flinders Windows.
at bass and flinders, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 10: He finished his pen and ink and decided to bat and ball back to his empty Timothy in the western suburbs.
at bat and ball, v.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 19: Boil and Pus Bus.
at boil and pus, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 7: ‘What is the ask?’ he said as he lamped her pointed brace and bits poking out from the skimpy dicky dirt showing her bare comic cuts.
at brace and bits, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 21: Bread and Jam Tram.
at bread and jam, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 28: Froth and Bubble Trouble.
at froth and bubble, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 28: Fleas and Itches Pictures (paintings or movies).
at fleas and itches, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 32: Jack and Jill Till (cash register).
at jack (and jill), n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 49: Tea and Sugar Bandit Small time criminal.
at tea and sugar bandit (n.) under tea-and-sugar, adj.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 47: To and Fro Mo (moustache).
at to and fro, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 39: Pork and Bean Queen.
at pork and bean, n.
[Aus] R. Aven-Bray Ridgey-Didge Oz Jack Lang 25: Drop Kick Drop kick and punt (vagina).
at dropkick and punt, n.
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