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Beggar Girl choose

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[UK] A.M. Bennett Beggar Girl (1813) I 48: ‘Pray,’ asked the colonel [...] ‘is that bona roba the poor sickly doctor’s wife?’.
at bona roba, n.
[UK] A.M. Bennett Beggar Girl (1813) III 61: ‘There’s a go now!’ cried Miss, with a hoyden laugh.
at go, n.1
[UK] A.M. Bennett Beggar Girl (1813) I 14: Poor little animal, I thought it had been quite gone.
at gone, adj.1
[UK] A.M. Bennett Beggar Girl (1813) V 137: Our lady did nothing in the world but stare at you all supper time; and he says you looked very toll-loll .
at tol-lol, adj.
[UK] A.M. Bennett Beggar Girl (1813) I 22: To make a parcel of shim-sham ghosts and coffins, and such like blasphemies.
at shim sham, adj.
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