Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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[US] E. Bogosian Talk Radio (1989) 40: I don’t kiss nobody’s butt—.
at kiss someone’s arse, v.
[US] E. Bogosian Talk Radio (1989) 36: What’s the problem tonight, Stu? You’re throwing me some real curveballs, man.
at curveball, n.
[US] E. Bogosian Talk Radio (1989) 85: Hey, Ralph, you playing with a full deck or what?
at play with a full deck (v.) under deck, n.4
[US] E. Bogosian Talk Radio (1989) 39: He lost his voice once [...] Freaked him the fuck out.
at freak out, v.
[US] E. Bogosian Talk Radio (1989) 69: Now you are goofing on me. Cut it out.
at goof, v.
[US] E. Bogosian Talk Radio (1989) 31: These three bimbos baste this guy with joy jell.
at joy jelly (n.) under joy, n.
[US] E. Bogosian Talk Radio (1989) 16: Listen, you Mister Fuckin’ Big Shot.
at Mr, n.
[US] E. Bogosian Talk Radio (1989) 32: Judy thinks your show is for nut jobs and psychos.
at nut-job (n.) under nut, n.2
[US] E. Bogosian Talk Radio (1989) 65: You’re a hoax. You call me with some fake-o story.
at -o, sfx
[US] E. Bogosian Talk Radio (1989) 54: Your brother’s a creep and a pinhead just like you are.
at pinhead, n.
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