1978 K. Bonfiglioli letter in Bonfiglioli Mortdecai ABC (2001) 377: Contrary to popular belief, i do not spend my days basking in the sun [...] playing houghmagandy with amoral colleens.at play at houghmagandie (v.) under play (at)..., v.
1978 K. Bonfiglioli letter in Bonfiglioli Mortdecai ABC (2001) 148: St Fiachre, the Patron Saint of rectal diseases [...] He is also Patron of syphilis-sufferers. I suppose you could call that ‘doubling in brass’.at double in brass (v.) under double, v.1
1981 K. Bonfiglioli letter in Bonfiglioli Mortdecai ABC (2001) 387: A charming Mormon in the lobby of the Holiday Inn, Miami, murmured to me, ‘Par’m me, sir, but your barn-door is open’.at the barn door is open under barn, n.2
1981 K. Bonfiglioli letter in Bonfiglioli Mortdecai ABC (2001) 387: If you want truly to help [...] whine and wheedle and carney to the rest of the board on my behalf.at carney, v.
1983 K. Bonfiglioli letter in Bonfiglioli Mortdecai ABC (2001) 148: Try to visualise the misery of scraping up (I am not exaggerating) the price of a packet of gaspers plus a postage stamp.at gasper, n.
2004 ABC (Aus.) 11 Dec. 🌐 I mean, look, I’m not going to tip the bucket on anyone.at drop the bucket on (v.) under drop, v.1