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Self Portrait of Murder choose

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[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 169: Her emerald fakes from Murphy’s – Washington’s biggest Five-and-Ten.
at five and dime, n.
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 183: I’m glad this mess is your baby, Prof.
at baby, n.
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 197: When with dope he gave himself Dutch courage for bigger things.
at Dutch courage, n.
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 75: That old wood burns like crazy.
at like crazy, adv.
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 172: There would probably be a dick watching her dump.
at dump, n.3
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 58: We could give the barn a going-over ourselves.
at going-over, n.
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 121: Just a cheerful grind.
at grind, n.
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 18: Major Shane of Intelligence would do well to find out, before any chance hell did pop, exactly where the big hero belonged in the picture.
at hell’s a popping under hell, n.
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 52: Keys! [...] You’re hipped on keys again.
at hipped, adj.2
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 8: In the heavy shadow I myself cast, a creature crouched mother naked.
at mother, adj.
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 9: Suppose you show us how to take out that dummy.
at take out, v.
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 37: Go on home, you big silly.
at silly, n.1
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 15: Since he’s twice as big as an ordinary human, I figure even convalescent he could string up O’Donnell.
at string up, v.
[US] ‘F. Bonnamy’ Self Portrait of Murder (1951) 117: He came back to O’Donnell to be cut in on the big take.
at take, n.
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